Domain name, often referred to as “web address”, is the address that people type into a browser address bar to find your website. A registered Domain name is unique to you and can’t be used by anyone else, as it functions on the Internet in a similar way like a street address in the physical world.
We provide all types of domain like : .com, .in,, .org,, .net, .info etc.
The Price is not fixed for any domain. All the prices may be changed on daily basis. [Please note that we are affiliate with, which is one of the best company of the world]
You must renew your domain within the specific time period. Otherwise your domain will be expired and you will lost your all data. After that you can still renew your domain within the deletion period.
After the deletion period anyone can purchase the same domain from any site and you may lost many things about your business.
A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web.
We are providing all types of web hosting to our customers like : Shared Hosting, Shared Hosting, VPS (virtual private server) Hosting, Dedicated Hosting & Cloud Hosting. [Please note that we are affiliate with, which is one of the best company of the world]
The Price is depend on the type of Hosting Plan. But, our prices are cheapest from all other companies. You can compare the prices yourself.
You must renew your Hosting within the specific time period. Otherwise you will lost your all data.
We deal in all kinds of websites like: NEWS Portal, Personal Blog, Charitable Trust/Society, e-Commerce, Educational Institute, Healthcare, Travel, Entertainment, Finance, Banking, Technology, Consultancy, Sports, Restaurent, Real Estate & MLM Industries ETC.
We have multiple trendy technologies at our disposal. Depending on the project requirement, our developers use the various technologies like: PHP, WordPress, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Angular, React, HTML5, Java, Drupal, Magento & Shopify, etc. If you are inquisitive about the technologies required for your project, discuss your idea with us. We will outline the major technologies required to transform your idea into reality.
Our clients are the sole owners of their business websites. We are only the development partner but your website belongs to you only.
A website development cost depends on multiple factors including the complexity of the site, use of technologies, features and functionalities of the site, number of web pages, and so on. We ensure to offer you an industry-standard solution at a competitive rate. If you want to know the development cost for your specific project, then please contact us separately.
Yes, while developing the website on our server, we’ll provide you a link in which you can check the progress of your ongoing project.
No. We work with complete integrity and transparency. We already discussed each and every points about the cost and other things.
Digital Marketing also called online marketing is the promotion of brands to connect with potential customers using the internet and other forms of digital communication. This includes not only email, social media, and web-based advertising, but also text and multimedia messages as a marketing channel.
SEO – Search Engine Optimization, PPC – Pay Per Click, SMM – Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Mobile Marketing and Marketing Analytics.
Our integrated Digital Marketing Services approach towards developing and sharing content in the form of texts, images, and videos on various social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. to gain user attention and achieve your branding goals. We develop creative and location-centric paid campaigns to attract the viewers. With proper hashtags and relevant filtering, we ensure to boost quality traffic to your website & app.
The price is not fixed for any service because it depends on your works and requirements. Kindly make an appointment with us and discuss everything on table. We’ll try to give best of the best solution for you !
Our team is excellent in all kinds of documentation works like : Content Writing, Translation, Drafting & Making of Assignments, Proposal, PPT, SOP or any Report etc.
It’s completely depend on your work & requirements.
It’s completely depend on your work & requirements.
Note : We tried to explain each and every necessary point but if you still have any question or query then please contact to our Customer Support System.